SSID in Networking

SSID in Networking & Broadcast Setting

Do you know what SSID stands for and how it works? Well, the SSID in networking stands for Service Set Identifier. It is located in the settings of your wireless router and the access point. When you disclose the list of your wireless network on your PC, phone or laptop then the list of SSID can be seen easily. Additionally, it helps to broadcast the SSID of nearby devices and on your wifi-enabled devices, you can easily check the list of the available wireless network. Now simply select the name of your local networks that you want to connect to and then enter their credentials such as wireless password and you’re done.

Moreover, if you use the public wireless networks to connect that is basically used to manage the business work. In that case, it requires reading the important terms and conditions to which you have to agree at any condition.

How does the SSID in Networking Work?

Under the network conditions IEEE 802.11 or a service set that indicates the collection of the wifi network devices that uses the same parameters. Typically, the SSID is an identifier that notifies you of the information of the available network in their search area and provides you a list to connect to. To get more details about the SSID in the network you can dive into Wikipedia and get a lot of information but In networking terms the SSID is a technical term for its network name and here you get what you are looking for in your network.

Basically, the SSID is created with a unique and different name which helps to differentiate between various networks in your place, and from them, you have to choose the correct one to connect to. However, the SSID can be used in every type of wireless access point. Moreover, it also includes the public wifi network and the home wifi network.

How to make a Unique Service Set Identifier?

Check out the steps to create a different and unique SSID for your routers and access points.

  • If you bought a branded wireless router for your home and its default SSID like “Netgear” and “Linksys”. In that case, you want to change the name of the default router which is called “SSID”. It also helps to protect your network from being broken. After the change, you can control or have administrative access to your network.
  • Basically, the default SSID can be up to thirty-two in length. While putting the default credential in a box then make sure to enter it correctly. As these details are case-sensitive and the network name is completely different from the network name of the SSID. When you are entering a new password, you have to use different characters in your password to make it unique. These characteristics such as underscore, dashes, periods, etc. 
  • Using a wifi base station broadcast and other wireless routers’ SSID they simply provide a list of nearby devices and display a list of networks that are readable to humans.
  • If the wireless network is open and unsecured then it can be easily connected to any available wireless network. In case, the wireless network is secured and encrypted with WPA2, then you will need a password to crack or to connect to that particular network. However, we simply suggest you connect against an open wireless network.

These points will help you make the network of your router and the access point secure. These are the guidelines to design the SSID in networking in a unique and innovative way so as to access safe and secure internet connectivity. 

Instructions to access the Same SSID with Multiple Wireless networks

If you want to connect your home router SSID with different networks in your home or in a business then check out the below-mentioned steps. 

  1. First of all, log into the admin page of your wireless router. To log into the admin account, you need to access the IP address of your home router in the search bar of any internet browser. The most common IP address is or These IP addresses can be used with any local router’s network. 
  2. After entering the IP address you will be accessed to the log-in page off your default router. Complete the login details with username and password. However, it is associated with the default SSID, network channels, and the security settings of the router. Make sure to note all the information after or during the log-in. 
  3. Thereafter, search out the LAN setting of your wireless router to remove or change the IP address first. It is recommended to change it to the first available IP address instead of going for another option. 
  4. Now save the current settings and turn the button off your router. Make sure not to use it while configuring the settings of another router.

More Instructions

  • Thereon, connect to another wireless system by entering its available IP address.
  • However, change the IP address and turn off the DHCP server. Somehow, you need to change the same settings of your network router.
  • Make sure that the settings of the first router should be mismatched to another router. In case of any mismatching, it will decline to share the same SSID.  
  • Lastly, save the settings of another wireless router and establish a LAN connection between both the wireless router via an Ethernet cable. 
  • Now, turn on your wifi router and confirm the settings by making sure they are broadcasting the same network name and also allow your wifi-enabled devices to access each other network using internet connectivity.

So this is how you can use the same SSID for multiple wireless network properties.

Useful Ways to locate the SSID in the networking of the router and its broadcast settings

Manage your broadcast settings by locating the SSID of your router. Here you get the step-by-step instructions that will help you manage the settings, check them now.

Read more- Configuration Instructions on Paleoer WiFi Extender

What steps should be taken to locate the SSID of the router?

  • First of all, you need to check out the label on your wireless router. When you get a wireless router, many manufacturers provide a label on the bottom or on the side of the router. That label listed the settings of your router. Usually, it has some details such as the network name (SSID) or a barcode to scan.
  •  You can also use another wireless device by making sure it should also be connected to the same network to find the SSID.

Steps for Windows to find the SSID

  • Primarily, go to the left panel of the screen and click on the wireless icon. You will find it on the bottom side of your screen.
  • However, check out the list of wireless connection networks and go to the listed network section to find out your one.  It will be the network SSID of your network as well.

Steps for Mac OS to find the SSID

  • In the Mac OS, you can go to the menu bar and click on the wifi icon.
  • In the available network list, you can easily check for the available network name which will be listed there. It will be your network SSID. 

Steps for iOS to find the SSID

  • Go to the mobile settings on your phone.
  • Click on the “WIFI”
  • On the listed network list you can check next to it connected and it will be the right SSID for your iOS network.

Steps for Android to find the SSID

  • For Android, visit the app menu and click on the settings button.
  • Therefore, click on the “wifi” section.
  • For Android, check the listed networks and find the correct SSID network for your router.

This is how to locate the router’s SSID in networking and it will also help you to broadcast the settings easily.